Chicken Pox Part Deux?
Varicella zoster is the more
scientific but less entertaining name. Yes, the shingles have floored
the Appalachian Irishman!
Too much dang
work! Too much darn stress! These are the hammers that nailed me. It
started with that little pain in the side, like a sore muscle.
Nothing about which to worry, right? Wrong! Next, the malaise poured
over me. “What’s this little rash on my side?” I
wondered next. Then, over last weekend, the little pox belt appeared!
By the way, for
you linguists, varicella, from the Latin, means "little pox."
Zoster is Greek for “girdle” or “belt.” The
word shingles comes from cingulum, Latin for “belt”
or “girdle.”
Finally, the
proud Appalachian Irishman went to his family doctor, whose shingle
hangs about 30 minutes from home. Having already done the research, I
agreed with the doctor’s treatment -- an antiviral medication,
ibuprofen, plenty of water, and rest. In another country, I could
have bypassed the doctor’s office charge, by buying the antiviral
drugs directly from the pharmacy -- without prescription. Not so in
the good ol’ US of A! No, I must pay the doctor, to prescribe that
which I know I already need! What a country!
Anyhow, I am
recovering but not completely well. But, alas, this is not the nail
point to the story!
Upon arrival at
the doctor’s office, promptly, for my 9:45 AM appointment, I had to
take a place in line, behind one of those well-dressed, overly
friendly to the medical staff, pharmaceutical sales representatives
-- pill pushers, by another name. Great! I almost asked the young
thing, “Are you here to see the doctor for a medical reason?”
Assuming her negative answer, my next line would have been, “Well,
since I’m actually sick, you shouldn’t mind if I cut in front of
you!” But, being a southern gentleman, I brushed aside those
thoughts. Instead, the added stress, caused my side to hurt more. I’m
sure that another red streak appeared as well. Thankfully, the
receptionist made pill pusher chicklet sit down to wait also.
The good doctor
took my advice and prescribed the antiviral medication that I
recommended -- the generic that works as well as the high dollar
brand name, which he first suggested. The brand name drug was
probably the one that the sweet young thing out in the lobby was
Upon leaving the
examination room, what did my wandering eyes see? Yes, another pill
pusher -- standing just outside the door, like a vulture awaiting its
next victim! This time, it was a young man, slickly dressed in the
traditional dark suit. “Hello, Dr. Cox!” he cheerfully
chortled. He caught my eye, and I glared at him.
Oh, by the way, before
getting in to my family physician, I tried out a foreign doctor,
whose shingle is only about five minutes away. “With the price
of gas these days, why not try the local guy?” I had concluded.
Well, arriving for the
8:00 AM appointment, I filled out the traditional reams of new
patient paperwork. To my surprise, the receptionist started talking
about payment -- before I could see the doctor! “Well, with my
HSA health insurance plan, I pay doctor’s office visits, for a
reduced premium,” as I told the one-brain-celled young lady. I
added, “I am ready to pay the $70.00 with my HSA debt card.”
Well, to my surprise, the debt card frightened to death the
educationally challenged chick! She asked me to go home, get the HSA
checkbook, and return, before I could be treated!
Having arrived home, with
additional pain and reddening in my side from the experience, I
called my regular doctor, mentioned, above, to set an appointment. I
then promptly called the give us money first, before we help you,
doctor’s office. I told, politely, the one brain cell babe that I
didn’t like her approach. I told her that I had arranged to see a
real doctor.
Fortunately, the
Appalachian Irishman is from hearty stock and doesn’t need a doctor
more than once a year, if that. This experience, however, illustrates
the sad state of medical practice in this country. First, the lack of
true market forces continues to drive up health care costs. Set aside
the stinking co-pays, to which millions think they have a
constitutional right, and dicker directly with doctors on office
visit charges! Second, pharmaceutical companies should neither
advertise nor send their minions of pill pushers, to bribe doctors
into prescribing their high priced product. Third, people should put
down the Twinkie and get some exercise, instead of neglecting their
health and expecting the doctor to fix them. Finally, tort reform
should eliminate frivolous medical lawsuits and limit settlements.
Other measures, I’m sure, could be taken.
Despite the need for
reform and improvement in our medical system, we must not seek
salvation, by further socializing healthcare! I’ve been to Russia,
and I've seen the effects of socialized medicine. We don’t need
that here!
Well, it’s time to take
another pill. Maybe America will do the same.
What say you?