
Sunday, August 18, 2019

IT’S COLD SHOWER, NOT GIN, TIME! (published 8-18-2019)

Hey, y’all! I’m just resting my “bionic” body parts and entertaining my fertile mind today. While doing so, look what I found! See “The James Bond Shower: A Shot of Cold Water for Health and Vitality,” on The Art of Manliness, by Brett & Kate McKay, 9/17/2019. (Note that I saw this article today, 8/18/2019, so the article's 9/17/2019 date must be 8/17/2019.)

I’ll give those folks a bit of publicity! Even before my “bionic” body parts days, and especially afterwards, I’ve known, for decades, about the benefits of starting the morning, with a hot shower, followed by a cold rinse. It’s nothing new. Still yet, these folks have it right! I know, especially after my “bionic” body parts were installed. It’s often the first part of how I get through a day. Of course, my stubborn and strong Irish will, while I have power in my body, is the most important factor. One day, I will have will in my spirit, which won’t ever go away, but not power in my body. When that happens, I will be a few steps closer to going home!

Y’all keep turning right and going straight out there, ya hear?

Oh, by the way, “Cold Gin” was a KISS song, back in the day. I found the song, on the following platform: “KISS - Cold Gin - Alive!” on NieelzzZ (YouTube), 9/12/2009. That was a great rock song, by a great band. I don't have to agree with the morality of the song, to like the music. My legal notation: the reference to the song “Cold Gin” does not imply that the author of this article recommends or supports the drinking of gin, cold or not.

In fact, I support the imbibing of the Holy Spirit, into our souls. Still yet, listening to “Cold Gin” today helped my “bionic” body parts. I'm sorry, dear Lord. I know that you forgive me.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

FULL MOON UPDATE (published 8-17-2019)


For the “millions” of readers, who were “sitting on pins and needles” wanting to know, here is the long-awaited update, to my article from two days ago! You can breathe now!


First, Molly, our doggy, is doing great! That’s important and good!

My Ol' Truck (2006 Nissan Frontier)

Second, in the late afternoon on Friday, 8/16/2019, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and my “favorite” sister-in-law changed my established plan. Very “bravely,” Mrs. Appalachian Irishman drove my truck home, after the computerized part was replaced! (They had commuted to and from work in my sister-in-law's car.) This was the first time that Mrs. Appalachian Irishman drove my truck.

My established plan had been to drive our car (a 2008 Honda Civic) from the “Hadean Realm” office to the Nissan dealership, meet my wife and sister-in-law there, get my truck, drive my truck home, and have my wife drive our car home. At least I only needed to drive our car home. Doing so was easier on my “bionic” joints.

By the way, to Nissan, since the camshaft is working fine, but the camshaft sensor started to blink out, why is there a camshaft sensor in the first place? Nissan has no logical explanation, of course. The unneeded sensor is a way for Nissan to make more money. It's not my truck's fault!

Below is the best online photograph of a 2006 Nissan Frontier camshaft sensor that I could find. It might be about the size of my thumb. It cost $145.58. I could buy a new computer for not much more than that! I wish that I could drive an old straight-shift truck that has plenty of metal and driver protection. That way, I’d avoid all these unnecessary and computerized truck parts! It's still not my truck's fault! He can't help how Nissan built him!

'Cuz Lois' Birthday

Finally, I “hear tell” that my first ‘cuz Lois turned 79 today! (I logged into my “Farcebook” account and found out. Now, I have the date for my own calendar record.)

Happy Birthday, ‘cuz Lois! Hey, I’m 20 years behind you! Do you think I’ll catch up to you? I remember now how I used to remember your birthday. Your birthday is on the exact same day, minus one month, as my father. Dad was born on 9/17/1927.


Well, y’all have fun out there, ya hear? Don’t forget to turn right and go straight! If so, we’ll all see each other in heaven soon!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

8-15-2019, THURSDAY, FULL MOON (published 8-15-2019)


Oops! The Appalachian Irishman has been a little silent lately. I have been enduring the workday routine. I am working toward state retirement, in eleven more months, if we can get farther along on paying off the mortgage.

Well, today, on a full moon, I must make a “life, such as it is,” update. I’m sure that my “millions” of readers out there are excited!

8/12/2019 in 8/12/1991 Context

First, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman had to start “hitting a lick” at work, on Monday, 8/12/2019, after her way too long summer vacation.

That afternoon, my new, old truck showed me the “service engine soon” and “slip” yellow warning lights. Oh, well. I set an appointment for my truck, at the fix-it shop, for Thursday, 8/15/2019. He rode well enough, despite the yellow warning lights.

Also, and most importantly, on 8/12/1991, Granny Wood (born 6/16/1901) went from this life to everlastingness. I was honored to conduct Granny’s funeral and graveside services.

8/15/2019 “Fun”

On 8/15/2019, full moon Thursday, my “favorite” sister-in-law came here early in the morning. She picked up Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, so that they could go to work. (They commute, each one driving two or three days a week.) That way, I'd have our car and truck both here, as I will explain.

I burned a day off from my “Hadean Realm” state job. I took Molly, our doggy, for out-patient surgery. She had a bump on her lower left eyelid that would not go away, as the same bump on her lower right eyelid did. Molly is home. I took her to our local veterinarian in my “yellow light warning” truck. Her surgery went well! I picked up Molly, in the car, after paying way too much money. All is well, in Molly's world! (See “next” as to why I got Molly in our car.)

Next, I took my new, old truck to the I-won’t-ever-go-there-again Rusty Wallace Nissan dealership, on Clinton Highway, for the 1:30 PM fix-him-up appointment.

My new, old truck ran okay, despite the yellow warning lights. The way-too-computerized crankshaft sensor needs to be replaced. It will cost about $500.

Oh, sorry, the dealership said. They had one part in the right box, but it was the wrong part in that right box. That’s all they had. Deal with it!

So, some feller drove me home, as I demanded, so that I could then go get Molly! The I-will-never-go-back-there Rusty Wallace Nissan dealership promises that they will have the right part in the right box tomorrow, to fix my computerized truck. We’ll see. I doubt that the part will be in tomorrow.


More updates are coming! I’m sure that my “millions of readers” want to know! Y’all have fun out there, ya hear? Oh, it’s a full moon tonight.