Yes, this article is another on “poly-tics.” I'm sorry. Sixty-one of my 360 articles (before this one) have been on or have included “poly-tics.” I had grown tired of writing on the theme. The conclusion, however, will be on a spiritual singing note. I promise! You may sing along!
My sarcastic humor could not resist writing this article. Who sees dead people? Is this once great nation allied with North Korea? What does this mean, for this once great nation? Please read further, if I've caught your interest!
“The Sixth Sense” Movie
“The Sixth Sense” was released in August of 1999. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I had returned from Russia (10/1/1994 - 9/30/1999). I can't find the date on my 1999 desk calendar, but I recall that my wife, some of her family, and I went to see “The Sixth Sense,” in October or November of 1999. We must have needed a break, from the travel and reporting to the churches that had supported our mission work financially.
“I see dead people” is the most notable line in that movie – as whispered by the young actor. I wonder why the quality of movies, in general, has deteriorated over the years. We haven't been to see a movie in a long time. We've waited on a few good enough movies to show on TV. No, we don't have and don't want one of those live TV streaming services! (I heard a reader ask the question!)
President Biden, on 9/28/2022, Looked for a Dead Person
President Biden's gaffe, on 9/28/2022, was in the various media sources – with the usual spins and commentaries. President Biden was looking, in the audience, for a live person, who had died last month.
The National Public Radio (NPR) article is: “Biden calls out for late Rep. Jackie Walorski at White House hunger event,” by Ximena Bustillo, NPR, updated 9/29/2022, 2:42 PM ET. That article includes a 59-second audio-video segment, in which President Biden looked for a person – who, unfortunately, had died, in an automobile accident, last month.
I hope that the person, who was killed in the automobile accident, was ready to go Home. I am sensitive to news about vehicle wrecks and those injured badly or killed. The 18-year-old, uninsured driver – who failed to yield to my right of way – almost killed me, on 3/29/2016. I've written about it, starting with my 8/26/2016 article. I'm still recovering, but I am much better than I had been. I joke that it takes a long time, to recover from being 90% dead!
With sympathy to the family of the person who died last month, it is a point of concern that President Biden was looking for her, to be alive, in the audience. This was not the first time that President Biden has demonstrated his mental degradation. The Commander in Chief should have robust, wise, and sound mental capabilities.
Vice President Harris Affirms Alliance with North Korea
But wait! Vice President Harris – next in line, if President Biden becomes even more incapable in his duties – thinks that this once great nation is allied with North Korea!
On 9/29/2022, the day after President Biden's gaffe, Vice President Harris made her own gaffe! I can't make up this stuff, folks. It really happened. She thinks, or thought at the moment, that this once great nation is allied with North (not South) Korea!
Fox and Friends has a 31-second audio-video clip: Fox and Friends, 9/29/2022, “VP Harris mistakenly touts US alliance with North Korea: The vice president's gaffe came one day after the rogue nation tested a ballistic missile.” Yes, she said “the Republic of North Korea.”
Perhaps hurricane Ian, which hit the west coast of Florida, on 9/28/2022, had distracted the President and the Vice President. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Florida. The hurricane was devastating. The remnants of it will hit in our northeast Tennessee area, probably late this evening.
What do these gaffes, a day apart, mean, for this once great nation? The meaning is apparent. Men and women of great and sound intellect and character -- who think and act according to the founding principals that are established in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution – are needed, to govern this nation from decline back to greatness. Unfortunately, I don't see or hear very many. A few may be in the USSA House and Senate. A few may be state governors.
My sixty-second article on “poly-tics” is done! As Dad had said, “this country is about gone, boys.”
But wait! My hope, which is built on Christ, knows that this world is not my home. I'm just passing through! has information on the song, “This World Is Not My Home (I'm Just a Passin' Thru).” The YouTube channel A Cappella Hymns includes a version of the song, copyright permission obtained, at “This World Is Not My Home - A Cappella Hymn.” You are welcome to sing along!
When Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I were dating and both at Freed-Hardeman University (Henderson, Tennessee), we attended the Refuge Church of Christ (a few miles to the south). The church was in a rural area. Several university students attended, to help that small group of rural church members. We sang “This World Is Not My Home” with much more vigor and speed than the song is sung in the link above! We could “raise the roof!”
By my eyes of faith, I can see many family and friends, who have already gone Home. I don't look for them in an audience here. My soul is allied with the Good Lord – and His heavenly nation. I place, therefore, the gaffes of the President and the Vice President into my everlasting mindset.
I hope that you, dear reader, do also. If you would like, I am eager to help you see what I see, by faith. You are welcome to use my Contact Form, for that purpose.