
Sunday, November 15, 2020

DEVIL’S NOSE HIKING RECORD, 2/16/2002 to 11/29/2013, SO FAR (published 11-15-2020)

On 11/12/2020, Thursday, an unnamed here, whom I know, reader emailed me, regarding my various articles about Devi’s Nose hikes. The reader, known to me, seems like a fine man! He inspired me to dedicate this article to my Devil’s Nose hikes, within the context of life.

The following is part of my 11/15/20, Sunday, email reply to this good reader! (Y’all remember that my website protects your privacy far better than “Farcebook!”)

I haven’t been “brave” enough to hike Devil’s Nose, since my last hike “up the Nose,” on 11/29/13, Friday. I don’t have plans to “hike the Nose” this year, unless my plans change. My 8/26/2016 article, “I’m Still Alive – Why?” (, has the starting point of the reason I haven’t hiked Devil’s Nose in a while.

Having grown up in Hawkins County, in my elementary school and high school years, my friend, to this day, had an uncle who owned property at the southwest base of Devil’s Nose. My friend, another friend, the younger sibling brothers of two of us, and I hiked Devil’s Nose an uncountable number of times, from the late 1960’s until the late 1970’s. I have many memories of those hikes!

Eventually, I educated myself formally and married. My wife and I lived in Missouri (1986 – 1994) then in Russia (1994 – 1999). We returned to the northeast Tennessee area in late 1999. My website journal has several details of life. (I suggest a subject search on “Mom.”)

I started keeping my hiking log on 4/23/2000. My Devil’s Nose hikes, since 4/23/2000, are ten total (so far):

(1) 02/16/02, Saturday, with two of my three younger brothers and youngest brother’s wife.

(2) 11/30/02, Saturday, with the same as 2/16/02 with me.

(3) 11/26/04, Friday, with my youngest brother and his wife.

(4) 11/25/05, Friday, with my youngest brother only.

(5) 11/24/06, Friday, with my youngest brother, on our mother’s birthday (born in 1932). (Our mother “went to see Jesus” on 12/27/2000.)

(6) 11/23/07, Friday, by myself (no one would hike with me).

My notes from that hike: first time to hike alone. 11 AM - 3:40 PM: 50 min up, 45 min. across, 45 min. at bluff, 45 min. back, 35 min. down; little white & black dog with me; partly cloudy, breezy, mid. 40’s.

(Additional note today: our Dad joined Mom, on 1/25/2008. This was the last hike, on 11/23/07, that Dad was able to see me leave from the homeplace, to hike, and return to the homeplace, after the hike.)

(7) 11/28/09, Saturday, with my youngest brother.

My notes from that hike: 10:45 AM – 4:15 PM; 1 hr. up, 1 hr. across. 1.5 hrs. at bluff. 1 hr. across. 45 min. down; black dog with us; sunny, 60.

(8) 11/27/10, Saturday, with my youngest brother.

My notes from that hike: 10:15 AM – 3:45 PM: 1.5 hrs. up; 1.25 hrs. across; 1.5 hrs. at bluff; 1 hr. across; 45 min. down; sunny then cloudy then sunny; low 40’s.

(9) 11/25/11, Friday, with my youngest brother.

My notes from that hike: 10:15 AM – 4:00 PM: 1.5 hrs. up; 1 hr. across; 1.5 hrs. at bluff; 1 hr. across; 45 min. down. Clear, warm (60’s).

(10) 11/29/13, Friday, with my youngest brother, for 10th hike in my log.

My notes from that hike: 11 AM – 4:30 PM: ~ count time. Clear, ~45 F, snow on north side & ridge. Photos w/bobcat tracks! Saw <cousin’s name deleted>’s ex-son-in-law, granddaughter, etc., on bluff.

Thank you, again, my newly found hiking friend and distant neighbor, for your email. I will post a section of this email, without your name mentioned, on my website. Thank you for inspiring me to write another website article also.

I trust that you have accepted the Good Lord’s salvation offer and are living according to it. This world is training for our everlasting Home. Can you imagine heavenly hiking? I can! Will it not be great? If we don’t meet here, I’ll enjoy a heavenly hike with you eventually!

Kindest regards, in Him,

Marion W. Ferrell

(My website is my penname, Merrion Fearghail. From Gaelic, Merrion is “brave man,” and Fearghail, my ancestral clan from County Longford, is “man of valor.")

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