
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Recent Hikes on House Mountain & Devil's Nose (published 12-12-2009)

Hiking is this Appalachian Irishman’s escape from the trappings of work and modern society. Living a harder but simpler life in the wilderness of Appalachia 150 to 200 years ago appeals to the imagination.

The following are eight photographs from recent hikes on House Mountain in Knox County, where the Appalachian Irishman is forced to live, by economic necessity, at the moment, and Devil’s Nose, in the Appalachian Irishman’s native and beloved Hawkins County. Enjoy the views!

The five, below, are from House Mountain, looking southeast, then northwest, from two bluffs. I took the photographs during my hike, on 12/5/2009. For previous entries about House Mountain, read My Mountain, House Mountain Winterland, and Best-Dressed Hiker.

The following three are from Devil’s Nose. The first, taken before my solo hike, on 11/23/2007, shows the mountain from the south. The other two, taken during the hike, on 11/28/2009, with my youngest brother, show the views, looking south, from the eastern bluff. For a previous article about Devil’s Nose, read Devil's Nose Mountain, Hawkins County.


tipper said...

Lovely views : )

M. Fearghail said...

Thank you. You have a very interesting blog. I'll visit often!