
Sunday, January 05, 2020

THE 1/17/2018 BOUGHT MUD GUARDS ARE ON, FINALLY! (published 1/5/2020)

This is but one of may examples of my stubborn, strong-willed, Irish determination, after my old, ol' truck (1995 Nissan pickup) died, but I didn’t, on 3/29/2016. Well, I had the same spirit, before my “bionic” life started.

On 1/17/2018, Wednesday, I had bought the set of four mud guards for my new, ol' truck (2006 Nissan Frontier). Since then, I’ve tried, an unknown number of times, to install them. The installation is easy enough – if you don’t have a “bionic” right foot, right knee, and left shoulder. The previous efforts stopped, when my right foot and right knee said, “That’s enough!” (The left shoulder was okay.)

This Sunday afternoon, on 1/5/2020, the mud guards are on! My right foot and right knee have improved sufficiently, finally! Enjoy the photographs, below! My new, ol' truck is in “the barn” (i.e., garage), where I worked. Can you see my finger in the second photograph? Of course, the locations and angles are not the best. The mud guards are not as visible, as I would have liked. My Appalachian-Irish American and strong-willed spirit won – even if I endured an almost two-year “bionic” delay!

I will continue, by whatever measure of God’s grace that I receive, day by day. I will not stop. I will not give up – until the Good Lord ends time or until I go Home!

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