
Sunday, July 25, 2021

WHAT WAS THAT 7-20-2021 PHOTOGRAPH THAT I HAD TAKEN? (published 7-25-2021)


Howdy, y'all! Views on this website average about 200 to 300 a day, which is not bad. I see total views, by nation and date. I can't see specific viewers. Viewer confidentiality is secured here, far better than on “Farcebook!” I hope that articles encourage, entertain, and help viewers. Daily views have dropped a little, into the 100 to 200 range, recently. That's due to my laziness! I've been writing nine to twelve articles a month, since January 2021. I've written only two this month, before this article. I'll try to do better!

The Dog Days of Summer (Sidetrack)

I hope y'all are enjoying the dog days of summer! (I'm sorry, Molly, our ol' puppy!) Well, I'm talking primarily with readers from the USSA. As the wise man said, “It's hot! It's d-hot!

The “dog days of summer” occur, when the sun matches the location of Sirius (Greek “Σειριος,” meaning “scorcher”). Sirius is the brightest star visible from Earth. Sirius is part of the constellation Canis Major (meaning “big dog,” in Latin). That's why folks call Sirius the Dog Star. Sirius aligns with the sun annually, from July 3rd to August 11th. That's why July 3rd to August 11th are called the “dog days of summer.” I'd learned this decades ago. The Farmers' Almanac is my source. Remember, Sirius is the star. SiriusXM is a way to listen to the radio! That's a big difference!

As we, in the eastern USSA, are enduring the “dog days of summer,” we also see smoke in the air. The smoke is coming from the fires in the western USSA. Our local TV news media have been talking about the smoke and the “air quality index,” since Thursday, 7/22/2021. Here's one and another local news story. I'd seen the smoke before 7/22/2021. I can predict the weather -- by being outside, looking, feeling, and smelling -- better than the local weather folks, usually.

Yesterday, by my check, the temperature at the house, about 5 PM, was 91F or 33C. The humidity was high. The grass and trees are showing signs of needing rain. The wind may bring in a little rain. For international readers, the temperature yesterday in Moscow, Russia (where we lived from 1994 to 1999), about 5 PM, was 58F or 15C. The source is here. English readers will need to translate the Russian on that website. I just read the Russian.

Yesterday, I would have rather been in Moscow, Russia, enjoying 58F weather than here, enduring 91F with smoke and humidity! Either way, I can take it. I ain't breathing hard! I like cold weather. I tolerate hot weather well enough.

Please excuse my sidetrack in this section. I had to blow off a little Irish blarney! Let's move on to the main topic of this brief article!

7-20-2021 Post-It Notes

On Tuesday, 7/20/2021, at 5:51 PM, I posted a “Farcebook” tease for this article today! Hey, “Farcebook” friends (in real life, not just on “Farcebook”), here is my revelation of what I had written on those Post-it Notes! I've read the comments, as friends tried to figure out what the Post-it Notes have written on them!

I'd taken the above photograph, using my trusty Samsung (not “semi-intelligent”) cell phone camera, on Monday, 7/12/2021, about 5:20 PM. I was in our spare bedroom, where Mrs. Appalachian Irishman's furniture is. (It was her bedroom furniture, before she became Mrs. Appalachian Irishman.) Several weeks ago, she had placed the sewing kit, three spools of thread, and the two stacks of clothes on her old bed. My clothing, to the left, had been in her closet for over a year.

The Post-it Note on my clothing to the left reads, “7/12/2021, Monday, 5:23 PM. Please stitch up our holes! We have been waiting over a year!” Those items that are asking to be stitched are two sweatshirts that I've had for decades and a short-sleeve shirt that I've had for many years. I don't give up on old clothes, if they can be fixed!

The Post-it Note on my long-sleeve shirt to the right reads, “Monday, 7/12/2021, 5:24 PM. Please give me away to a size large man!” Christmas of 2020 was “virtual,” for Mrs. Appalachian Irishman's side of her family. “Favorite sister-in-law” had given me a size large long-sleeve shirt for Christmas. It had been in a box, since Christmas 2020. I had forgotten about it. I had thought that it was a doggy present that Molly would not have liked.

Several days ago, having opened the box, I remembered the size large shirt. I have never worn a size large shirt! My shirt sleeve length is 32 long (as I have long arms). That is a size medium or even small. A size large is way too big for me! I ain't that hefty, y'all! I hope that Mrs. Appalachian Irishman gives away that size large shirt to Goodwill or to someone! I tried it on. It's a nice shirt. I like the colors. It's way too big for me!

Hey, “favorite sister-in-law,” you had only seen me on “YackTube” or “Zoomy” computerized video “conference,” from 7/19/2020 through 5/30/2021. You had seen me, in person, on 7/18/2020 (Mrs. Appalachian Irishman's birthday) and on 5/31/2021 (Memorial Day). Did you think I had gotten hefty, by seeing me on those “conference” videos? The camera can add 10 or so pounds, as folks claim. I'm still the same size! I'm just “devilin'” you, “favorite sister-in-law!” I love all of my “out-law” in-laws, including “favorite sister-in-law!”


This little article took two days, on and off, to write. Since 3/28/2021, I have and still have six “working documents” (of 3/28/2021, 5/29/2021, 6/12/2021, 6/19/2021, 7/17/2021, and 7/24/2021), on various topics! I need to get around to publishing at least a couple of articles or so from those “working documents!” I may get to a couple more, depending on how this work week goes, before July is gone.

I'm still working at home, Monday through Wednesday, and at the office on Thursday and Friday. It is an insane schedule that I have endured, since February. To quote a colleague, “It could be worse.” My reply to my colleague has been, over the years, “it could be better. This is reality!” My reply drives speculation to the hard surface of life reality!

I may submit my retirement notice tomorrow. If I do, then the details will be bureaucratic insanity gone wild. If that goes on, then I can find another full-time job, working from home full-time and doing something that I actually enjoy or can, at least, tolerate better! We will see.

I'll start working on another article from my “working documents” stack now. Y'all take care out there! Thanks for stopping by to read for a while!


M. Fearghail said...

It is OFFICIAL! Today, 7/27/2021, I retired from my State of TN job, effective 8/31/2021! I WILL MOVE ON TO GREENER PASTURES! (I don't know what DHS will do without me, in Union County. I assume that they will survive. I DO NOT CARE! I WILL MOVE ON!) It is fitting. Mom went to the hospital on 12/27/1999, before she went HOME, on 12/28/2000. My timing was by chance -- or providence. I do not know. The Lord hasn't told me yet.

Unknown said...

I checked in on you Marion… congratulations

M. Fearghail said...

Lee, thanks for checking in. I backed off, for now. My 8/8/21 article ( has the details.