The Appalachian Irishman admits it; he can be hard to live with at times. Must be those Irish roots! Twenty years ago today, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman made the dubious decision to honor me by becoming my wife. Dubious on her part, because I dragged her, not by the hair, mind you, to the flat lands of Missouri for several years then on to Russia for a few more, before finally, finally returning to the true Garden of Eden--Upper East Tennessee.
Those twenty years have passed by as but a day. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, at times, probably feels as if it has been forty years, but for me, it has been just a day. She is more lovely and dear to me now than then--and believe me, she was lovely and dear then too.
So, I raise my Guinness to you (no, I don’t drink, but let’s pretend), Mrs. Appalachian Irishman! Thanks, my dear, long-suffering wife, for putting up with me all these years. Here’s to twenty more!
Okay, okay, you may wipe your eye now! The Appalachian Irishman will return to his wit and witticism later.
What say you?
The best is yet to come I'm sure. It is obvious that somewhere in your travels you got to kiss the Blarney Stone. The gift of gab as those words flow so easily from your lips. Are you sure you weren't hitting the Guiness a wee bit this fine morn. Your a blessed man to have such a fine an understanding woman. Congradulations on your Anniversary.
Well, the antiviral medication has made me a bit woozy!
Thank you for your kind words.
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