
Saturday, June 29, 2019

JUST FOR FUN (published 6-29-2019)

On this, “it’s hot, it’s dang hot,” late Saturday afternoon, you have my post! Ain’t it great!

Today, I did the usual stuff: trash hauling, haircut (a week early), good truck wash, Tractor Supply, get gas, etc. It’s the “usual mundane whatever.”

In the mundane context, there are three points of humor. First, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I have the dubious “joy” of providing PRN doggy daycare, for daughter of sister-in-law’s “dogcat,” Pepper. She’s a little dog that acts more like a cat. That “dogcat” isn’t sleeping here over night again! The only time she did, on 3/22-23/2019, was far too traumatic for Molly (our fine, good, regular dog) and us!

Second, a good friend in Arkansas finally figured out that he should reply to my reply to his last e-mail. My reply was barely over a year ago. He’s figuring out the details. I won’t wait a year until I reply to him. It’s just funny! A year, as in a life, is just a blink of an eye anyway. No worries, my good friend!

Third, I sent an online message to a local radio show host, whom I do respect as a fellow Christian, regarding the name of his Sunday TV show. The name is “Anything is Possible.” For fun, I quibbled with him that the show should be named “Anything that is Possible is Possible,” since the logically impossible is not possible!

Oh, just do some research into the classic moral argument for the existence of the God of the Bible or into the atheist’s argument from the so-called problem of evil, which can be turned around on an atheist into an argument for the existence of the God of the Bible.

I would go into more theological and logical detail, but it’s about 5 PM. I’m hungry, and sister-in-law just now arrived to pick up “dogcat!”

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