
Saturday, September 21, 2019


The title of my most recent article was pretty good! Why not stick with the pattern? Greetings, to my “millions” of readers!

9/17/2019, Tuesday, workday, Dad’s birthday, in 1927: My youngest brother and his wife went to Knoxville, for a follow-up appointment, after her left foot surgery, on 9/4/2019. (Papaw Wood was born on 9/4/1901.) Below is a photograph that my brother took, at the surgeon's office, of his wife’s left foot. Ain’t it a “purty” foot?

My sister-in-law is allowed to place weight on her surgically repaired, “bionic,” left foot but not walk on it yet.

That’s at least better than my 2016 “fun.” On 3/29/2016, I didn’t die, when the uninsured driver failed to yield to my right of way. I was unaware of what was going on, during my left shoulder and right knee surgeries. I knew what was happening, before my right foot surgery, on 4/13/2016. We are making progress here. (I wonder if the Good Lord cares, in the short term. He cares and knows the long term.)

9/19/2019, Thursday: It was a workday for me. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman took a day off, to take her father to a medical appointment. I remember when I did that for Mom and Dad, back in the day. Remember these days, dear! You honor your father, as you did your mother before she passed.

9/20/2019, Friday: Why did our mower guy mow today? It’s been hot -- too dang hot! It has not rained all month! Why did he mow? Do I need to start mowing myself? I can do it. I have power in my body, such as it is. I’d rather take the easier route, by paying someone else to mow. We’ll see what happens.

By the way, I suppose that “Algore” (Al Gore) was right, on global warming and global climate change -- or bovine excrement, as I call it. Why is Greenland called Greenland, when it is not very green now? I could ramble on with proof, but I won’t today!

9/21/2019, Saturday, today: For me, it was a usual day -- monthly haircut, good truck wash, and Tractor Supply. (I'd treated my new, ol' truck to a wash last Saturday also.) I found and bought almost everything that we had needed, at the Tractor Supply, for Molly “puppy!” Get the Milkbone “doggys,” in the plastic bottle, while they're in stock!

Thankfully, I also found and bought the last pecan log that the Tractor Supply had in stock! Last month, there were none. I handed the empty box to and told the clerk! Two months ago, there were none. I informed the clerk. Today, however, I have my monthly Tractor Supply pecan log! The photograph is below.

By the way, how ‘bout them “Vowels” today! They got their backsides handed to them, again as usual, by Flor-i-Da! I hope that my Georgia Bulldogs do much better, against “them thar” fake Irishmen, at 8 PM, this evening!

As a brief side note, on world disasters and USA politics, excrement keeps spilling out. That’s why “this world is not my home; I’m just a passin’ through.” Politics? It’s from poly (many) and tics (tics). That is many blood suckers! That's my brief side note.

Y’all keep turning right and going straight out there, ya hear?

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