
Sunday, February 02, 2025

Groundhog Day 2025: One Egg Costs 69 Cents! Rename the Gulf of Mexico Old Man Kelsey's Ocean! (published 2-2-2025, article #516)


Happy Groundhog Day, dear reader, and welcome to the 118th entry in the humor topic section! This morning, if Punxsutawney Phil had been around here and was a late riser, he would not have seen his shadow. This morning in our neck of the woods, the clear sky at dawn gave way to clouds a couple of hours later. Of course, the afternoon became springlike, sunny, warm, and breezy.

Let's first talk about Groundhog Day today. Moving to other points of humor, we will touch on the recent cost of one egg. Finally, why not rename the Gulf of Mexico Old Man Kelsey's Ocean?

I hope that you enjoy a laugh or two. Sometimes we need a good laugh. Life is serious. A steady diet of humor, however, helps when life becomes too serious.

Groundhog Day 2025

Have you ever wondered how Punxsutawney got its name? Punxsutawney is a small town in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.

Research indicates that the indigenous people named the area “Punkwsutènay,” which translates to "mosquito town." Settling in an area known for mosquitoes was a biting decision. It may not have been the wisest. I do, however, like the sound of Punxsutawney. Improvising, I say “punk-sa-wanty,” “punk-sa-gooney,” or something similar. In this neck of the woods, Punxsutawney would have been named “Skeeter Town!”

What about that groundhog seeing or not seeing his shadow? According to folklore, if the morning is sunny and clear, he comes out, sees his shadow, and goes back underground. That means six more weeks of dreary winter. If, however, the sky is cloudy, he stays above ground, which means spring is coming early. The folklore has always seemed backward to me. Clouds predict bad weather is coming. Sunshine predicts good weather.

The most famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, saw his shadow this morning on Groundhog Day. Don't worry, dear reader! Phil is only accurate about 40% of the time.

If you're looking for sources, check out Punxsutawney Groundhog Club: What is Groundhog Day? and “Groundhog Day 2025: Will Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow?” The Old Farmer’s Almanac, by Catherine Boeckmann, 2/2/2025.

It seems that Groundhog Day has origins in an ancient Celtic celebration. Further, early Christian tradition associates the day with the presentation of the child Jesus in the temple at Jerusalem (Luke 2:22-40).

One Egg Costs 69 Cents!

Groundhogs don't lay eggs, but chickens do. Let's move from groundhogs to eggs! In 2025, how much does a dozen eggs cost? That is a dozen grade A, large hen eggs. What about the cost of one egg this month?

According to US Inflation Calculator: Egg Prices By Year And Adjusted For Inflation, a dozen of these eggs cost $1.51 in 2020. That would be just over 12 cents an egg. The calculator shows the price of a dozen eggs from 1980 to 2022.

Sticker shock alert! Yesterday, while shopping at the local grocery store, I was shocked at the price of a dozen grade A, large eggs! The shelf was about half empty. Shoppers were buying plenty of eggs, probably anticipating further increases.

Yesterday, I bought those dozen eggs at a cost of $8.29! They were marked down 10 cents. I almost didn't buy them. The “long-suffering” Mrs. Appalachian Irishman fixes me a country breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Through the week, I eat cereal. This morning, I enjoyed two scrambled eggs. That cost us $1.38 or 69 cents per egg.

With egg on my face, I may just eat cereal for breakfast on the weekends. Yesterday, I paid $3.00 for my box of cereal. It was marked down 59 cents. A box of cereal lasts me about five mornings.

My wife and I may need to build a chicken coop, fence it in, and raise chickens. We could sell the extra eggs.

Rename the Gulf of Mexico Old Man Kelsey's Ocean!

“The Education of Ernest T. Bass” on The Andy Griffith Show aired on 10/12/1964, when I was but four years old. I have watched that episode countless times. Each time, it makes me laugh. Andy is trying to teach geography to Ernest T. Bass, specifically national borders.

What is that large body of water to the west of this country? Ernest T. says it's old man Kelsey's ocean! Enjoy watching a clip on “Andy Griffith: Old Man Kelsey’s Ocean.” Sam Manley (YouTube), 3/9/2018!

President Trump has been doing several good things in his first month in office. A few decisions are confusing. He has renamed the Alaskan Mount Denali back to Mount McKinley. Furthermore, he renamed the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. Source: White House: Restoring Names that Honor American Greatness: Executive Order, January 20, 2025.

Let's take it a step further, Mr. President. Why not rename the newly renamed Gulf of American Old Man Kelsey's Ocean!


As I wind down, I hope that you enjoyed a little humor. Last month, my brother, three years younger than me, was hospitalized for four days (1/11-14). Thankfully, he is home and fully recovered. After that, my father-in-law was hospitalized for five days (1/25-29). Thankfully again, he is now home and recovering.

Life is serious. A steady diet of humor, however, helps when life becomes too serious.

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