
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Thirty-Seven Years as But a Day (published 5-16-2023; article #413)

Photograph by Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, on 5/16/2023.


Howdy to all local, regional, national, and international readers, especially to you, dear reader! Before getting around to the purpose of this article, do local readers think that it will rain today? The weather forecasters, as usual, have marked today a “weather aware” day. Ever marketing themselves, during the televised weather segments, they encourage us to download their “app” (software application) and “stay tuned.” As 3:30 PM approaches, I finally hear some thunder. Our “mower guy” has already mowed the yard. I'm ready for this “dangerous” rain, if it gets here. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman just called. She is driving home now. That's enough ranting about weather forecasters!

Today marks the 37th wedding anniversary for Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and me! Happy anniversary, dear! Let me preach on.

What Else Can I Say?

Previous articles about our anniversary have spoken through the written word. It seems as if I've started a trend with the titles.

The trend started with the article on 5/16/2006, “20 Years as but a Day.” I read it again today. I had replied to one pithy and kind comment. Where's Mrs. Appalachian Irishman's comment?

Once I started publishing more articles, the one on 5/17/2020 switched gears on the trending title. I had to write about the “stealth mission accomplished.” Yes, I surprised her. Website analytics shows me the number of views, in three digits, with no comments. Where's my wife's comment?

Two years ago, I switched back to the title theme. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman's endearing comment, to that 5/16/2021 article, arrived almost a month later.

Last year, the title theme continued in the article on 5/16/2022. Within the context of “life, such as it was,“ I had retired three days previously, on a lucky Friday, May 13th. My Irish dander was still up, when I published the article. The need to sign a document, when I turned in that office key, as I was told had to be done, turned out to be a mistake by my former employer. I could have mailed in the key. Looking back, I regret the tone of that segment. I was quite indignant at the time. Writing kept my Irish dander from boiling over!

What else can I say? Well, enjoy the next segment!

What I Say Today!

Since 5/26/2022, “Appalachian Irishman - Podcasts” has been on YouTube. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, my dear, episode 11 is the first podcast on our anniversary!

The episode is “Thirty-Seven Years as but a Day (published 5-16-2023; episode 11).” Yes, I started to get a little choked up near the end.

Dear, I hope that you enjoy your anniversary podcast! It's better than buying a high dollar, made-in-China anniversary card.


Yesterday, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman brought home some tomato plants, which her good cousin had given her. Last year, as the co-author of this website, she published her first article, “'MATER FUN with 'MATER LADY (published 8-29-2022; article #351; Mrs. Appalachian Irishman article #1).” Is another “Mater Lady” article forthcoming this year?

As this article concludes, the rain and hail came for a few minutes only. Now, the sun is coming out. My wife has been driving in all this.

Dear Lord, thank you for your grace through Christ Jesus. Please keep my wife safe, as she drives in the rain. Thank you for your providence that granted our meeting, courtship, engagement, and marriage. Thank you for blessing me with a fine Christian wife for these 37 years. We've been through a lot together. I love her. I love you too, Lord. In Christ's name, amen.

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