
Saturday, June 06, 2020

D-DAY 76th ANNIVERSARY: REMEMBER (published 6-6-2020)

D-Day, June 6th, 1944

Today, Saturday, June 6, 2020, is the 76th anniversary (inclusive) of that profound date in history. I was not born until 1960. I remember every June 6th.

The most recent article, Homeplace and Memorial Day Memories,” was published on Monday, 5/25/2020, Memorial Day. It is fitting that this article follows it.

Planned Hike in Remembrance of D-Day

My most recent hike at Norris Dam State Park was on Saturday, 3/30/2019. I've hiked there 19 times so far, including five hikes with my “bionic” joints.

I hike Norris in the warm weather, since House Mountain, “My Mountain,” has more poison oak and ivy, ticks, and snakes in warm weather. I've hiked House Mountain 170 times so far, including 34 “bionic” hikes.

Today, aside from a few folks (e.g., my ‘cuz Debbie), is anyone else remembering the anniversary of D-Day? So far, according to my “Farcebook” check, only ‘cuz Debbie and I remember.

Lord willing, tomorrow afternoon will be my 20th hike at Norris Dam State Park! I will do so, if I have enough power in my body. The planned hike will be in remembrance of D-Day in 1944.


Before hiking tomorrow, however, I must have my 12th and final every-four-week deep tissue massage. I started the routine on Friday, 7/5/2019. The final massage won’t hinder me. I will, Lord willing, hike Norris!

Y’all have a good supper this evening. Look for an article about my forthcoming hike at Norris! Remember D-Day!

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