
Monday, May 25, 2020


Happy Memorial Day, everyone!


Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, quite bravely, ventured into man-world with me today! We visited the homeplace in Hawkins County. My new, ol' truck took us.

Before arriving at the homeplace, a man needed to eat, and a woman could “eat a bite.” $13.15, counting tax, to eat at “Burger Dink”? Really? I knew that you wouldn’t believe me. Here’s the proof -- not counting tax!

Dad used to say, “A dollar ain’t worth much nowadays, boys.” I believed him then. I believe him now. The last time that I ate fast food was on 7/6/2020. (I wrote about it.) That was also at “Burger Dink.” Once or twice a year won’t hurt me!

Bellies fuller and billfold lighter, we ventured forth.

The above photograph is of the work that a 77-year-old well driller/pump repair man and his grandson did on 5/1/2020 (May Day). Our fine neighbor, from across the road, had done all the digging work. The section of blue pipe replaced the original pipe that Ferrell’s Well Drilling had installed in 1974. My father, Earl Ferrell, had drilled his own water well, including the casing, pump, well housing, and tank. My father and mother had planted four trees near the well housing, one each for us four boys. Roots had finally broken a section in the original pipe. Forty-six years for that original pipe wasn’t too bad! The remaining original pipe is still sound. Dad would have been proud!

Our fine neighbor saw us and came by to visit. His wife and he are doing well. They have a water line from the well. Dad and he had made an agreement in 1974. Our neighbor figured that he owed me for the nominal cost of the pipe work. I figured that I owed him for all the work that he did! We laughed and shook hands. We’re even, but I still think that I owe him. He’s a fine neighbor!

The above photograph, taken from the back yard, looks northeast. The grapevine still stands, is alive, and is beginning to bear fruit. There’s my new, ol' truck. I think that he drove himself up a bit to get into the shot! I didn’t know that he could do that!

The grapevine was a cutting from Granny and Papaw Wood’s grapevine, taken from their home in Bean Station. After Papaw passed away in 1983, Granny moved in with us.

The yard had been mowed not many days ago by T&C Lawn Service. It looked fine, as always. Behind me, two men, each on a tractor, had just finished the first hay cutting. The field looked fine, as always.

After Mom passed in 2000, Dad said, before he passed in 2008, “I’m trying to keep things going here.” So am I, Dad, so am I.

Memorial Day Memories

Over the years, the “Fearghail” (Ferrell) clan had many fine memories on Memorial Day and on other festive occasions. On Memorial Day, we always remember the reason for the day.

As for me and my house, we are thankful to those, who kept us free, through their ultimate sacrifice for freedom. “Hero” is a word that is bandied about far too often. Those who gave their ultimate sacrifice might not have called themselves heroes. They probably thought that they were just doing their duties.

Let’s get the right job done, America, in tribute to those who made Memorial Day memorable. We owe them.

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