
Saturday, September 19, 2020


This is a quick update, on 9/19/2020, Saturday, just before supper. I hope that you are well.

I endured another work week – working at home, Monday and Tuesday, but at the office, Wednesday through Friday. The schedule is based on bureaucratic insanity that is spawned, by the folks, in the Ivory Tower, in Nashvegas. They need to be educated. My significant “whatevers,” in my left shoulder, knee, and foot, didn’t prevent me from working for a living.

Mrs. Appalachian Irishman had a haircut, from 9 AM to 10:48 AM. She spent $158, on the debit card, which including a 30% tip. I had a haircut at 11 AM. It took about ten minutes. I spent $20, in cash, plus $20 as a COVID-19 tip, for my haircut. My fine barber deserves it. I have been giving him the extra $20 tip, since the new crown virus started. He has to set appointments, not take walk-ins, as barbers used to do, when we were a free people, in a free nation.

I am the eldest of four brothers. My next to eldest brother called my cell phone at 3 PM, on the dot. We talked to 4:28 PM. His family and he are, apparently, doing well enough. He and I both have the everlasting perspective on life. Are you returning soon, Lord?

I might publish another article tomorrow that has other points of conversation. Until then, “when’s supper ready, dear? I’m hungry!”

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