
Sunday, September 06, 2020


Hum. My canvas became blank again. I’ll fill it! We will move from the mundane to the everlasting. (I like moving, in that direction!)

The Mundane

Since the Sunday summary article, of 8/23/2020, the “cows came home.” I worked from home, last Monday through Wednesday. I did the same work, at the office, driving 14.6 miles one-way, on Thursday and Friday. On Monday, 8/31/2020, I thought that I’d worked my last day at the office, until the “cows come home.”

Well, it started out well enough. On Tuesday, 9/1/2020 (the first day of fall), I had to go to the Knox County office, to get a new work computer, to replace the relatively new work computer that was still fine.

On 9/3/2020, by e-mail, I was told that, effective 9/9/2020, Wednesday, I will be working at home Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, but I will work at the office on Wednesdays. Hum. I still do not have a proper explanation as to why, due to a bad management style. (I feel treated as a peon, but I’m not a peon). I speculate that the “Ivory Tower” bureaucrats, in Nashvegas, could not get their ducks in a row, on 9/1/2020. I speculate that, by 10/1/2020, the “Ivory Tower” bureaucrats might have their ducks in a row, so that I can start working from home full-time, effective that day.

If my employer tries to force me, to work more than the next four Wednesdays, in September, at the office, then I will retire, use my leave time, and find another job, to work from home full-time. I grow tired of my employer’s bureaucratic incompetence.

On Friday, 8/28/2020, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman had an experience of dual “joy.” First, her cell phone had the “white screen of death” again. After a few days of various efforts, her cell phone is okay again – for now. Second, her (our) ’08 Honda Civic had stopped cooling the cabin. The air conditioner was not working very well. On 9/2/2020, Wednesday, the car was in the “hospital.” The next day, the car was well again. On Friday, 9/4/2020, the car was back in “the barn” (i.e., garage).

In the 8/18/2020 article, I bragged on New Look Home Improvements LLC. I need to revise that glowing review. We paid for, and still need to have finished, three minor details that the company owner promised, on 8/18/2020, to have done quickly. The southeast basement exterior door frame, at the base, needs repair. (Rot is on both sides.) A small area on the driveway, near the mailbox, needs pressure washing. Both basement door landings need to be pressure washed again.

On 9/1/2020, I left the owner a voice mail, on his work phone. He has not replied, as of the date of this article. On 9/3/2020, I sent him a follow up e-mail. He has not replied.

I will, therefore, either do the work myself or find someone else to do it. Either way, I will send New Look Home Improvements LLC a bill for the work. The owner has been paid. The minor details are not done yet. He has not replied to my attempts to reach him.

We do have a very fine and new deck. I do not, however, recommend New Look Home Improvements LLC, since the company does not follow up on the minor details, for a job that has been paid in full.

The Everlasting

On 8/26/1931, Aby William Wood and Lula Frank Amos, my maternal grandparents, were wed, in Bean Station, Tennessee. They were fine and godly grandparents to me.

On 9/3/1959, Earl Ferrell and Betty Lou Wood, my parents, were wed, in Morristown, Tennessee, at Calvary Baptist Church.

On 9/4/1901, Papaw Wood was born, in Indiana. Do you not think that he had a fine time, in 1959? At age 57 -- having just celebrated his wife's and his 28th wedding anniversary, and before turning age 58 the next day – he handed his daughter, to my Dad, in marriage!

Yes, I remember Papaw Wood talking about the details.

I’ll see you (Granny and Papaw Wood, Mom, and Dad) again at Home. Until then, I remember.

By the way, Mom and Dad were wed, fourteen days before Dad attained the age of 32. I plan to publish a future article, a little after what would be Dad’s birthday. Dad was born, on 9/17/1927.

Well, y’all don’t labor too much, on Labor Day, tomorrow. I’ll take it easy, or hike, which is taking it easy for me!

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