
Wednesday, March 10, 2021



On 3/5/2016, Saturday, I did enjoyable work at the homeplace. I did not write about it on my website. In 2016, I wrote only three website articles.

I took the above photograph, at 2:28 PM, on 3/5/2016. I had been doing tree branch clearing, etc. I remember. For that day, I had written, to myself, “half bed full of branches at the homeplace, on a sunny day, before the rain hit. Can't get any better!”

Little did I know, on 3/5/2016, that my life would change, as it did, on 3/29/2016. I have written about it. I apologize for my “vanity,” by writing this introduction.

In 1991, the (former) USA Congress proclaimed March as Irish-American Heritage Month. Why did it take them that long? (Republican President Gerald Ford proclaimed, officially, February as Black History Month, in 1976.) Do not read “racism” into my writing. That is incorrect eisegesis.

Black Americans should have had their month before they did also. They just “beat” the Irish. (That's my humor.) Black Americans were immigrants, by force. They came as slaves. The history is not pleasant. The War Between the States had to happen. Republican President Abraham Lincoln freed the black slaves, in the south and then in the north. Black heritage helped this once great melting pot nation. (That was my broad paint brush wording. Some have harmed America and still do. As a people, however, the forced “immigration” of blacks helped America.)

“When America Despised the Irish: The 19th Century’s Refugee Crisis: Forced from their homeland because of famine and political upheaval, the Irish endured vehement discrimination before making their way into the American mainstream;” on, by Christopher Klein, updated 3/14/2019, original 3/16/2017. That is one article, among many, on the “Interweb,” from reputable sources. The Irish were emigrants from Ireland and immigrants to America. They were legal immigrants. Many immigrated before the Ellis Island years (1892 - 1954). The Irish endured prejudice. They survived. They improved America. (That was my broad paint brush wording. Some were illegal immigrants. Some did not survive. Some harmed America. As a people, however, Irish immigration helped America.)

Anyone who is truly Appalachian knows that the color of the skin does not matter. What matters is the content of character. Appalachians have known this for decades. I have met many fine Appalachians -- red, yellow, black, and white. On 3/7/2021, while on House Mountain hike #177, I met a family (man, wife, and child) hiking up as I was hiking down. Their skin was black. My skin was white. We all made new Appalachian friends! I hope that I see them again.

My Irish heritage, as part of the Fearghail clan, can be dated back to John Ferrell. He was my paternal (5th generation) great, great, great grandfather. John Ferrell was born in 1780, in the area that later became North Carolina or Tennessee. His date of death is unsure.

Irish heritage and black history have one item in common. Actually, any genealogy has one item in common. What is that one item? All people are one, starting from Adam and Eve. Also, all people, who are Christians, are one, in Christ. I refuse to allow the socialist propagandists to distinguish us. Do you? You should not.

Life, Such As It Is

Monday, 3/1/2021: spring began! We had a little rain that turned to sunny and warm. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman continues to drive to and from work daily. I continued my work at home Monday through Wednesday and at the office Thursday and Friday. It's the routine that started on 2/1/2021. It's a “culture shock,” to drive back and forth two days a week. I am tired of it.

** At 6:00 PM, 3/6/2021, Saturday, I heard, “alright Georgie.” I'll continue, tomorrow, maybe. Supper is ready! **

Conclusion (at 3/10/2021, Wednesday)

Okay, so 3/2/2021 through 3/5/2021 was the usual work crap. We endured, both of us.

3/6/2021, Saturday: I took my new ol' truck for another hand washing, after having hauled trash! Then, my truck and I went to Tractor Supply, for Molly doggies! You don't want to know the details, but I'll tell you anyhow. I'd ordered online for pick up, to ensure items were in stock. I had arrived. The Tractor Supply had shorted me one can of wet dog food. I knew it. I did not care. It was not that much extra. The Tractor Supply must stock as they used to do. I told the checkout person, in spades, very politely.

Well, on 3/10/2021, Wednesday, at about 5:57 PM, I am finally publishing this article. I have at least two more articles to write. I've been writing them in drafts. I will publish them, Lord willing. Wait for them, my patient readers. Supper is almost ready.

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