
Sunday, November 21, 2021

THE BUILD BACK BROKE BILL (published 11-21-2021)


Well, howdy again, y'all! “Yestrdey,” as folks around here say it, I had promised to finish and publish a “poly-ticks” article. I try to keep my promises, as any true Appalachian Irishman would. Any man or woman, who was raised in the Appalachian-Irish and biblically-based heritage, understands. (Yes, there are only two genders, male and female. The humor is that some folks think that about a thousand or so genders exist. Is there an innie? Female. Is there an outie? Male. That's all. I apologize for my digression.)

My paternal grandfather, Marion Ferrell (4/13/1880 - 11/21/1970) went Home, before his wife, Molly Gertrude Archer Ferrell (11/30/1892 - 6/11/1971), when I was ten. Granny and Papaw Ferrell were married on 11/25/1908. Granny was almost 16! My mother, Betty Lou Wood Ferrell, was born on 11/24/1932. Mom “went to see Jesus,” as she stated that she wanted to do, before she passed, on 12/27/2000. My yet unpublished book, “Light at the End of the Tunnel,” will include several details.

As I recall, Papaw Ferrell wasn't interested in politics. My uncle Bill Ferrell (8/20/1914 - 6/21/1999) was interested in the political realm. He served for many years as the Hawkins County, Tennessee, Property Assessor. I remember him well. He was the oldest brother of my father (Earl Ferrell, 9/17/1927 - 1/25/2008). Uncle Bill inspired Dad to become involved in political commentary. Over the years, Dad's verbal commentaries waxed so eloquently that Mom did her best to curb his salty and glib Irish tongue! After Mom went to see Jesus, us boys endured Dad's vivid interest in C-SPAN, Fox News, and similar television shows. I'm glad that Dad isn't here now. The political and, most importantly, moral condition of the once-great USA is far worse now.

Now that I have set the heritage context, shall we get into “poly-ticks?” We shall!

The Blackburn Report

Senator Marsha Blackburn received my vote for Tennessee senator. Bill Hagerty, the other Tennessee senator, did not get my vote. I voted for myself. His robotic calls and texts to my cell phone, trying to get me to vote for him, drove me nearly insane! I still do not know how his robot got my cell phone number.

Every Saturday morning, I enjoy reading “The Blackburn Report,” which is emailed weekly to subscribers, usually just after midnight on Saturday. I don't know why they have to work so late on a Friday.

The latest “The Blackburn Report” (Friday, 11/19/2021) arrived in my inbox the next morning at 12:35 AM. (I'm glad that I didn't work that late on Friday.) Marsha Blackburn is doing her best to slow down the further demise of the USSA into “Socialist Utopian Oblivion” (my coined phrase as of today). Are you learning Mandarin yet? I need to stop procrastinating in my efforts! Maybe the Russians will overtake the USSA. If so, I can speak, read, and write in Russian well enough!

Marsha Blackburn used the phrase “Build Back Broke Bill” to describe the 11/19/2021, Friday, USSA House passage of whatever the next socialist, “Monopoly money” spending is called. The vote, on 11/19/2021, was 220 for to 213 against, with a Maine “Demorat” joining the “Republicants” to vote against the borrow-to-spend spree.

If you want to know how the “Monopoly money” will be spent, you may want to read “The House Just Passed Biden’s Build Back Better Bill. Here’s What’s In It,” Time, by Nik Popli & Abby Vesoulis, 1/19/2021. Yesterday, I wasted a little time reading the article. Watch the US Debt Clock spin, but not too long. It will make you dizzy!


I do not like to write “poly-ticks” articles! I need to do so, to record my efforts to stand against the socialists' efforts to drive this once-great nation into “Socialist Utopian Oblivion.”

I continue to stand, as a once-free man in a once-free and great nation. Will you join me? Many of us have joined together. I hope that many more will do so.

At 4:41 PM, as I type this sentence, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman just came home from visiting her folks. I need to write another article about heritage. I'm glad that this “poly-ticks” article is finally out of my mind! It's starting to get dark. Sadly, I am not hiking in the woods.

This article remembers Papaw Ferrell, who passed away on this date in 1970.

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