
Saturday, November 20, 2021



Howdy, y'all! I hope you are doing well enough, in this USSA “Socialist Utopia” that was once the free, brave, and proud USA. Don't fret! My next article will be on “Poly-ticks.” “Poly-ticks” is from “many” (Latin) plus “ticks” (blood suckers). I've stated this many times over the past 15 or so years. Please wait for my “Poly-ticks” article.

This article is an update on recent “life, such as it is.” I hope you are keeping journals. This website is one way that I record the life journal of Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and me.

1978 High School Senior Year

I attained the grand age of 18, just after high school graduation in 1978, 43 years ago. How time goes by.

Recently, I learned that a fellow 1978 high school graduate and classmate retired from the Tennessee National Guard, as a Brigadier General, early this year. I honor him for his service in the Tennessee National Guard. I had wondered, in passing thoughts over the last few decades, what had become of him, along with many other classmates. As I understand it, his family and he are doing well enough. In high school, he had his click. I had mine. He was part of the “elite” crowd. I was not. It doesn't matter now. He was not my high school friend, but he seemed to be a good guy. I liked him well enough. I assume that he liked me well enough. I hope that he is ready to go Home, if he has taken up the Good Lord's free gift offer. I assume that he has. I doubt that he has done full-time ministry or mission work, as I have. He, as I assume, has ministered, according to his calling, as I continue to do.

Sadly, a few days after I learned how my high school classmate was doing, I learned that his mother-in-law, who was my high school senior year English teacher, passed away on Wednesday, 11/17/2021, at age 94. In 8th grade, Mrs. Trent taught my classmates and me how to diagram sentences. Mrs. Trent taught us how to use proper grammar and style in sentence structure. My high school senior year English teacher, who passed recently, continued Mrs. Trent's fine training. Mrs. Trent was my best English teacher.

As high school seniors, in college preparation English class, we were required to write a research paper. I had been working diligently on mine, spending hours of research in the library. I lost that research. I told my teacher, who passed recently. She was “gracious,” in that she “allowed” me to submit my paper late to receive a 64 “F” grade instead of a 0 “F” grade. I did the research again. I wrote the paper. I submitted it late. I may still have a hard copy of that paper somewhere. I got a 64 “F” for late submission, instead of a 0 “F” for no submission at all. As I recall, I still passed my senior year high school English class with a “B.” I could have had an “A.” My mother (Betty Lou Wood Ferrell, 11/24/1932 - 12/27/2000) wanted to confront my high school senior year English teacher, to defend me. It was not my fault that, somehow, my first research had gone missing. I still wonder if someone took it from my locker, where I had kept it. Mom and I “took one on the chin.”

Forty-three years later, as I reflect, my 1978 high school classmate and his deceased mother-in-law are placed in an everlasting perspective. Let's move on, shall we?

Today's Life, Such As It Is

Today is Saturday. The weather is cool and sunny. The red sky this morning will bring rain in a day or two. I arrived, three seconds early, for my 10 AM haircut appointment at Tony's Best Clips. Beforehand, I had hauled trash and the recycling. Six weeks had gone by, since my last haircut. (The 10/9/2021 article mentions it.) I'm glad to know that Tony and his folks are doing well. I needed that “best clips” haircut!

My '06 Nissan Frontier got his second truck wash this month (on the 6th and today). I filled his tank. I noticed that our '08 Honda Civic was parked at the Dollar General Store. In the store, I almost snuck up on Mrs. Appalachian Irishman! She caught me out of the corner of her eye. She didn't hear me walking, even with my “bionic” right foot!

Before that “sneak attack,” I had stopped at Hammers and Rural King, both not far from my barber. I am in “desperate” need of two blue sweatshirts! I have two that have a few decades of age on them. Both have holes. On 7/12/2021, I asked Mrs. Appalachian Irishman to stitch the holes. Apparently, she has been too busy. I may need to take a needle and thread and stitch the holes myself. I would like to retire those sweatshirts to a memorial location in my closet.

The Dollar General Store did not have sweatshirts in stock. I checked out with Mrs. Appalachian Irishman. The checkout clerk and I regaled each other about how a dollar ain't worth much these days.

Do Hawkins County readers remember Cupp's grocery store in Rogersville, Tennessee? I do. I could spend 25 cents to buy a Coke and a candy bar. After Dad drove us all home, I watched football on the black-and-white television, ate the candy bar, and drank the Coke. Those were great Sunday afternoons after church, during my grade school years!

In the checkout line, the older man behind us wore a Vietnam War ball cap. He and I conversed briefly. I shook his hand. I thanked him for his service, to this once-free and great nation. He and I both understood the reality of the “USSA Socialist Utopian Dream” that will awaken to the nightmare that is coming. I hope that this Vietnam War veteran does well. I hope that I see him again.


It is now dark, at 5:42 PM, as I type this sentence. I'm glad that, as of 11/7/2021, we are finally off “govrmint” time! Molly (our ol' puppy) is ready to come inside. Supper is almost ready.

I may not be able to publish another article on “Poly-ticks” today. I'll get to it. Please wait for it!

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