
Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Memorial Day & the 77th Anniversary of D-Day (published 6-8-2021)


My first article today was for humor and fun. I have another article or two in mind. I'll write them later. Instead, this article pauses to give honor. Memorial Day was Wednesday, 3/31/2021. The 77th anniversary of Operation Overlord, the D-Day landing on June 6, 1944, was two days ago.

Memorial Day

Most folks seemed to remember Memorial Day. At least they had a day off work. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I visited with her nearby folks. That was the first time that I had seen my in-laws, in person, since 7/18/2020! In between the two in-person visits, I had only seen them on those prearranged “video chats.” Well, I was glad to see them in the flesh and find them doing well enough!

The following quotes are from “Memorial Day,”, by Editors, original 10/27/2009: Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day,” was “originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.” Democrat Socialists do not want us to remember the origin of Memorial Day or the reason why we observe it.

On Memorial Day, my father-in-law and I exchanged a brief word, about the almost countless number of soldiers, who died in many wars in sacrifice for our freedom. My mind was overwhelmed. I could not fathom the almost countless losses.

I wish that this once-great nation would live in honor of those, who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Well, I know that many of us do. Sadly, I know that the socialists do not care. They live in dishonor. We, who honor, live in honor.


On June 6, 1944, Allied troops invaded Normandy, France, to fight Nazi Germany in World War II. It was the largest invasion force in history, with hundreds of thousands of American, British, Canadian, and other troops. It was one of the most important events of the Second World War. More than 13,000 aircraft and 5,000 ships supported the operation. An estimated 10,000 Allied forces were killed, wounded, and missing in action. The invasion is credited with sparking the liberation of German-occupied northwestern Europe from Nazi control and laying the foundations for the Allied victory on the Western Front. Source: “77th Anniversary: Remembering D-Day, June 6,”, 6/6/2021.

My mother, Betty Lou Wood Ferrell, was 11. My father, Earl Henry Ferrell, was 16. Place the recent political trivialities, such as the 1/6/2021 transition of the United States of America into the Ununited Socialist States of America, marking the beginning of the fall of this once-great nation, in the context of June 6, 1944, D-Day. Doing so will provide historical focus. Read or watch a few documentaries, if you wish to do so.

Aside from a random mention in the news media, I wonder how many folks, in this once-great nation, even remembered or cared. I did not find any D-Day movies or documentaries on television when I searched. This is another example of the early stages of the fall of this once-great nation. Give it about 70 more years or so until it falls.


My first article today made me laugh a few times. I hope that you did too. This article saddens me. It needed to do so.

This article honors the sacrifice of many, who served and died, to save this once-great nation from enemies in many wars, especially from Nazi Germany and Japanese Imperial threats during World War II. Sadly, this once-great nation is not living in honor of those ultimate sacrifices for our temporal freedom.

Jesus, the Christ, paid the ultimate sacrifice for our everlasting freedom. Many have accepted His gift of salvation and freedom from sin. Many have not. Wisdom dictates that those, who have not, will join those of us who have.

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