
Saturday, June 12, 2021



The socialists struck again! For the first strike, please see the article, “Stealth Invasion by Night in Chattanooga, Tennessee (published 5/23/2021).”

The socialists are moving fast, to acquire more illegal alien voters, who will vote socialist! Wait for the upcoming illegal alien vote, to keep the socialists in power. It will happen.

5/27/2021 Stealth Invasion in Knoxville, This Time

On 5/27/2021, “a plane” known “to be carrying unaccompanied” illegal alien “children in the custody of the” USSA “government landed just before midnight at McGhee Tyson Airport in Knoxville.” The news has been known, for over two weeks now. The source, for the previous quotes, is: “Plane believed to be carrying migrant children lands at Knoxville airport,” on WATE TV, by Melanie Vásquez Russell & Melissa Greene, published 5/28/2021, updated 5/30/2021.

That source article provides further details. How many other illegal alien invasions have taken place, without the media catching them?


The democrat socialists are building their “vote early and often” base, to ensure that their “socialist utopia” stands – for about the next 70 years. Thankfully, I will be Home, before the USSA falls.

This is just a sidenote article, today, y'all! I'm still trying to entertain my fertile mind, before supper!

What do you know? I may download a free version of “Space Invaders!” Do you remember that arcade game from the 1980's?

“Woman posing for photo in front of Space Invaders scoreboard,” by Leslie Jones, on Unsplash, 6/17/2018. Free to use under the Unsplash License.

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