
Sunday, May 08, 2022

MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU (published 5-8-2022; article #319)


Were you tired of the “may the fourth be with you” jokes on 5/4/2022? I thought that they were funny.

May the Fourth 2016

In my 3/29/2021 article, “MY 'BIONIC' JOURNEY, SO FAR: 3/29/2016 to 3/29/2021,” I wrote:

As in Star Wars, “May the 4th be with you!” On May 4th, my 15 days at Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center were done. I could manage to transition from wheelchair to our 2008 Honda Civic passenger side, with painful effort trying to move my right leg, from knee down, forward enough to fit inside the car. (The seat was back as far as it could go.) I was home. It felt good. I was inside. I could see Molly (our 'ol puppy) through the windows. Family, friends, and neighbors started to visit, at certain times.

My stage one (3/29/2016 – 5/4/2016; 36 days in two hospitals) was over. I moved on to stage two.

May the 4th 2022

May the 4th 2022 was a Wednesday. My '06 Nissan Frontier and I had endured the drive to and from the “Hadean Realm” office, on Monday and Tuesday. I worked at home – doing the same job – Wednesday through Friday. It's the new normal that started, for me, on 4/11/2022.

On May the 4th 2022, I remembered May the 4th 2016. I am glad that I endured stage one. I am still in stage four (life, “such as it is,” continues).


Well, this was my “somewhat humorous,” second, article today. The next (third) article today will be theologically profound.

May the force of God be with y'all! The force of God -- as well as family, friends, and neighbors – still sustains me, in my ongoing “multi-trauma” recovery. I am in my sixth year of healing.

Thanks, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, for all your help! I know that you forgive my glib Irish tongue, when my 'bionics' aggravate me – especially since Friday. Why does my non-bionic right shoulder bother me? Is it a crossover reaction, again? God, please, by your providential force, help me endure yet another “fun 'bionic' moment!” I've had enough of them! I'm used to them. I am still standing! I ain't breathing hard!

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